Promotion of saving with a purpose (SWAP/VSLA)
Promotion of saving with a purpose (SWAP/VSLA)

AFCE introduced saving with a purpose (SWAP) module alongside traditional VSLA among the communities to enable the community set a smart financial goals for their saving and save towards achieving their goals. This is informed by the fact that much as village

saving and loan association schemes was introduced in west Nile region 20years ago, the community has not realized much benefit from the saving, most women have left their home and lost properties because they could not pay back the loan borrowed from the savings. Ever since the introduction of SWAP we have gather the following learning;

  • Farmers, who set short term financial goals like buying goats, piglets, chickens etc., achieve more at the end of year compare to those who prefer fixed assets like land, solar, construction of houses etc.
  • Those who operate the SWAP without engaging much in giving loans, have little conflicts within the groups and the groups are more united, committed and supportive to each other.
  • Family who are saving together have less challenges in getting money for SWAP than in a situation where husband and wife are saving differently and the latter are more peaceful and productive.
  • Most households who SWAP for buying livestock are being faced with challenges of managing their livestock especially poultry and piglets
  • Farmers have appreciated the module and are convincing other farmers who are not in the group to embrace SWAP module.

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