Apiculture Restored Lost Hope
AFCE Uganda Beneficiary - afceug.org
Aciro Florence of Got-aciku village, Ramogi Parish, Kucwiny sub- County in Nebbi District

Aciro Florence of Got-aciku village, Ramogi Parish, Kucwiny sub- County in Nebbi District could not hide her joy as she narrates how she was able to transform her life and her entire household within a year “she was no longer the woman people use to see and despise, but a role model to both men and women” said Aciro.

The 42 year old woman is married to a retired ex-combatant with five children. She narrated that, depending on farming for livelihood was something next to impossible because of unpredictable weather, no market and low prices pay for farm produce, life was generally unbearable. But today Aciro could hardly believe that she is ably taking care of the family and managed to pay school fees for her children in expensive secondary school.

She said, her luck came way back in 2012 when community connector USAID project came to her sub county and her group was among the groups to benefit from the project, she said she received training on nutrition, family planning, farming as a business, apiary management practices, good agronomic practices and all was sum up in to what she said CC see 10.

In 2014, her group was chosen to host apiary learning site , they were trained and a learning site was set for their group by Agriculture service provider contracted by self help Africa, she took the training seriously and increased on the number of her bee hives, after six months she harvested the honey from her traditional hives, it was of poor quality and low quantity, she sold the product and make Kenyan top bar(KTB) hives, with continuous training and commitment towards the project.

By May 2015 she managed to make up to 10 KBT hives and her quantity and quality improved, she said she got 230 kilograms of honey by august 2015 which she sold and got 1,000,000 that she used to pay school fees and buy some household chores that she has been missing for long. Her advice to fellow women is that they should embrace CC see 10 practices for self-reliant and sustainable development.